"The sacrifices of God are a broken Spirit, a broken and a contrite heart, God will not despise". Psalm51:7 Are you struggling with a life crisis caused by personal character flaws, indiscretion or misstep? Consider the mess Moses got himself into at age 39 Moses was at apex of society , status, wealth, and educational pedigree as the adopted son of the most prominent man in the world, Pharaoh. He was at the pinnacle of all society and then he murdered an Egyptian he saw beating an Israeli slave. He buried the body and thought he had gotten away with it but Moses was exposed the next day and he had to flee for his life into the wilderness. Moses went from high society to a desert normad in just one day. This brought a drastic change in everything about his life. Everyone living has flaws but do not allow those flaws define your destiny. Moses probably felt like his life was over and thought there was no chance for him to achieve anything of significance. Even though w...
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