...some said; is He (Jesus Christ) still alive? Their question is based on what and how they feel inside. Another said, is He still working miracles? Some other persons said, can He heal the pain that i feel inside my heart? Your pain could be disappoinment, depression, anger and malice etc.
I've come to tell you that all you need is faith. Without faith you cannot please God. Faith in God can heal anything and can do anything for you. Life is spiritual! You can only receive by faith. Someone may ask, what is Faith? According to the bible, Faith is simply defined as unseen realities. I.e. calling those things that were not as though they were.
Faith in God can heal that disease and pain you've got and feel inside. First step is to receive Jesus Christ into your heart as your Lord and Saviour then He will come and take abode in you. If only you can surrender your heart to Him now, He will come and save you and heal that pain you feel inside your heart.
Jesus Christ is the true comforter! He's all you and I need to live, move and have our being!
In Him you will find true riches if your heart is continually fixed on Him when you had receive Him. In Him is the true wisdom the world is searching for today.
Friends and parents will fail you but He's a true friend that will never fail. Clinge to Him today and He will surround you with His Peace which passes all understanding and knowledge to live in this life. He already said, my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. He's the father of Wisdom and knowledge and no one is like Him! He's unchangeable changer, He transforms unpleasant situations into pleasant. Invite Him today and relate to Him as your closest friend; He will never fail you!
Remember, He is always around the door of your heart waiting for to open your heart to receive Him. Make up your mind now to receive Him. O yes, Jesus Christ is still alive and is still in love with you. You need not to ask how cause He already proved it on the cross.
Ask Him now to come and take His place at the headquarters of your heart and he will come and save you now.
God bless you!
I've come to tell you that all you need is faith. Without faith you cannot please God. Faith in God can heal anything and can do anything for you. Life is spiritual! You can only receive by faith. Someone may ask, what is Faith? According to the bible, Faith is simply defined as unseen realities. I.e. calling those things that were not as though they were.
Faith in God can heal that disease and pain you've got and feel inside. First step is to receive Jesus Christ into your heart as your Lord and Saviour then He will come and take abode in you. If only you can surrender your heart to Him now, He will come and save you and heal that pain you feel inside your heart.
Jesus Christ is the true comforter! He's all you and I need to live, move and have our being!
In Him you will find true riches if your heart is continually fixed on Him when you had receive Him. In Him is the true wisdom the world is searching for today.
Friends and parents will fail you but He's a true friend that will never fail. Clinge to Him today and He will surround you with His Peace which passes all understanding and knowledge to live in this life. He already said, my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. He's the father of Wisdom and knowledge and no one is like Him! He's unchangeable changer, He transforms unpleasant situations into pleasant. Invite Him today and relate to Him as your closest friend; He will never fail you!
Remember, He is always around the door of your heart waiting for to open your heart to receive Him. Make up your mind now to receive Him. O yes, Jesus Christ is still alive and is still in love with you. You need not to ask how cause He already proved it on the cross.
Ask Him now to come and take His place at the headquarters of your heart and he will come and save you now.
God bless you!
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