And Abram was very rich in cattle, in silver and in gold. Genesis 13:2.
God is extremely rich. He owns the earth and every thing therein.
(Psalm 24:1) since God is very rich, if you are linked with Him, your fortunes must change. You cannot keep company with the rich and not get the air of good things. It is the same with God. Are you in good relationship with God? If yes, you will prosper in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
(Psalm 24:1) since God is very rich, if you are linked with Him, your fortunes must change. You cannot keep company with the rich and not get the air of good things. It is the same with God. Are you in good relationship with God? If yes, you will prosper in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
According to today's scriptures, Abraham was rich in cattle, silver and gold. Abraham was so rich that his servants whom he armed as his personal army were 318. Which rich man has up to 318 servants in the world of today? God blessed Abraham so heavily that He made him a father to Isaac and also a father to many nations. He declared him righteous based on his level of faith. God is known as God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Any believer who knows his authority is linked with Abrahamic blessings. When you are born again you become a spiritual Jew. Abraham went through a lot before God blessed him. He went through barrenness, and started having children at the age of 100 years. After the promise of the birth of Isaac, he waited for another 25 years before Isaac came. Even after the birth of Isaac, God tested his faith by asking him to sacrifice this his only dear son Isaac. Abraham was ready to do that before God intervened.
What have you seen in life? What have you sacrificed to qualify for God's blessings? Shortly, before Abraham's demise, he transferred all his wealth to Isaac to give him a good foundation in life. What spiritual and physical legacies are you leaving for your children? The Philistines were envious of Isaac because of his wealth,. Your wealth will draw envy not pity, but God will protect you.
Father by your power enable me do what will make Abrahamic blessings become a reality in my life in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
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