People with great passion who made the greatest contributions to society are not only highly motivated- they have proper motives. And, in the final analysis, proper motives always seek to accomplish goals that contribute to the common good... that serve others...that make the world a better place.
The only way to move up from a place of mere survival to stability, and from stability to success, and from success to significance, is to engage in a God-inspired field of endeavor that will enable you to hring significant benefits to others. George Washington Carver did just that- and he did it against great odds.
The only way to move up from a place of mere survival to stability, and from stability to success, and from success to significance, is to engage in a God-inspired field of endeavor that will enable you to hring significant benefits to others. George Washington Carver did just that- and he did it against great odds.
If George Washington Carver had done nothing more than survive his own childhood, he would have qualified for honorable mention on the list of the world's great achievers. He was born in Missouri. He got his surname Carver from german immigrants who came to America and based in Missouri. They were not fond of slavery, but it seemed the best way to secure help and companionship for Susan Carver, who was unable to have children.
The Carvers had a slave called Mary who gave birth to two sons, the second of whom was named George Washington. His father was a slave from the neighbouring farm.) Him and his mother were kidnapped while he was still a baby and were taken to Arkansas by bushwhackers, who often stole and resold livestock and slaves from the isolated farms of the Ozarks. Mr Carver pursued the thieves but did not succeed, but upon his return offered a big reward for the mother and her child. Within days the exhausted and weakened baby baby George was returned for the reward, but his mother, Mary, was never heard of again. The boy's father was permitted regular visits but tragically died in a farm accident a few years later.
Without the loving care of Susan Carver it is believed that baby George would have died when he developed a severe cough and was barely able to breathe. Although he survived , his health was never strong, and the residual scars of his early illness gave his voice an awkward quality that many found difficult to umderstand.
Here was a youngster who had all the odds stacked against him:born into slavery, orphaned, suffering from ill health and childhood difficulties. But he was undaunted by obstacles... He was the kind of person for whom passion was a given and service was a constant. He lived to make the lives of others better.
Let your passion drive you, no matter the challenge or mountain that surrounds you...They will surely come to pass in just a moment.
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