"And he that searcheth the heart knoweth what is the mind of the spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God" (Romans).
The Holy Spirit makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God.
Seek the help of the Holy Spirit in prayers and you will see how quick and appropriate the response will be. Believers do not know how to pray with results. When believers organize their prayers in line with the will of God, He gives approval.
Sometimes our prayers are focused on what we want rather than on what we need. The Holy Spirit convicts the non- believer of sin and continues speaking to that person about Jesus Christ. When you receive Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit puts his seal upon you.
Anytime you are praying, you engage the help of the Holy Spirit, He channels your prayers properly. If you can pray in tongues, He will organize your program for the day. He will go ahead and deal with evils along the way and protect you. Many families are receiving free kicks from the devil because there is nobody engaging the help of the Holy Spirit in prayers. There are many negative occurrences in such homes.
Are you ready to focus on the Lord Jesus Christ and allow Him use you to resist what the devil is doing in your family? The Holy Spirit cannot use you to fight for your family until you give your life to the Lord Jesus Christ. Are you ready for the Lord to use you as His battle axe to save your family? You are witnessing those things in your family because you are not yet serious with the Lord. The kingdom of heaven suffers violence , only the violent shall take it by force(Matthew 11:12).
The Holy Spirit will reveal things to come, to you.(John 16:13). He will reveal the plans of the enemy so you can destroy those plans. Do you know the power of the Holy Spirit?
Holy Spirit teach me how to pray effectively in name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
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