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The transmitting power of your thoughts

God has given you the ability to effect positive changes in your life. You mind power brings those things your thought processes into existence. As a man thinks in his heart so is he.  When you ponder over something over and over again, consciously or subconsciously, your thought sends frequency to the universe which magnetically transcends the very intent of your thought to work for you either positively or negatively.


So many things happen to us in life, but the way we interprete them determine our response to them. The full knowledge of our identity is very important. When the Bible says that you're more than a conqueror, it infers an assurance of victory. No force can throw you off balance. Thus, when trials come your way, translate them to challenges. That's the mindset of victors. Only victors translate problems into challenges.


The day you were born again, you were born into the life of total and continuous victory. Jesus' death on the cross made you one with God, and ushered you into the transcendent life of victory. Some folks believe life is full of "ups and downs," but that's because they're not acquainted with the vital realities of the gospel of Jesus Christ. As a child of God, you're called to live each day in victory over every situation that you face. That's the lifestyle of the believer.

How To Live As An Ambassador For Christ

Ambassador is an official envoy, especially a diplomatic agent accredited to a foreign government or one who is sovereign as the resident representative of his own government. Now, being the legal representative of his country in a foreign nation, all the resources he needs to function: his accomodation, equipment, finances, etc, are fully provided by his government. He is independent of the economic situation of his host nation because his home government takes care of all his needs.

The Great Substitute

The gospel of Jesus Christ is a gospel of substition. The Lord Jesus took your place that you might take His place. He became the embodiment of sin so that you might be made righteous (2 Corinthians 5:21). He took upon Himself your sickness, disease and infirmity that you might be healthy and strong (1 Peter 2:24). 2 Corinthians 8:9 tells that He became poor, so that you, through His poverty, might be made rich. You've got to believe this because it's all in the same transaction. The Lord Jesus, according to the gospel principle of substitution, was made poor so that you might be made rich. There are those who argue that His becoming "poor" was spiritual, but that doesn't measure up. At no time did the Lord Jesus ever become poor spiritually, for He was the Son of God. In shedding His glory and condescending to this earthly realm, He became poor to successfully trans-late us into His realm of wealth. That's why as a Christian, you're not the rich d...


"The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the COMMUNION of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen" (2 Corinthians 13:14). "Communion" refers to a partnership, a communication, a fellowship with the Holy Spirit. It means talking to the Holy Spirit and listening to Him talk to you.

The Power Of your Mind

You attract to you the predominant thoughts that you're holding in your awareness, whether those thoughts are conscious or unconscious. That's the rub. Whether you have been aware of your thoughts in the past or not, now you are becoming aware. Right now, with the knowledge, aware of the law, aware of the power you have through your thoughts.