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Showing posts from August, 2021

You're Divinely Favoured

 *#RealityCheck* _It doesn’t matter what happens to people, you are different; don’t mix fear with your faith, you have nothing to fear. It doesn’t matter what  happens in the world, refuse to fear because there is a decree, you are separated!Remember whoever believes should not perish; if it is only one person that should be saved it should be you; because the Lord is your salvation._ *Daily Juice* _Your life has a purpose and a meaning. You are a unique part in a divine plan, but you can't litter negativity everywhere and then wonder why you've got the kind of life you have. The secret to a transformed life is what goes on in your mind. The everyday quality of your life depends on you. The creation of your life is in your hands. Your thinking is your character, your talking is your life. Principles and beliefs that you consciously and unconsciously hold and live by determine the course of your life. If your principles are given to you by this world's system, the activitie...

Life Changing Word With Rosalynda Igwe

Dear Friend, Don't become a prisoner of the thoughts of others; a prisoner of the opinion of others, that when you're reprimanded in front of others, you reject it.  If you seek men's honour, you will not fully obey the words of God; Its only the honour that comes from God that is worth it.  The choices of life brings to compulsion your revealed character; when you're free to chose, that's when we know what's really on your mind.  Don't do what your mind tells you to do, that's the way, do what you ought to do; the word prepares you for things you haven't seen yet. Did You Know That... Your situation didn't meet God unawares. After you have prayed, live as an answer to your prayer; be the answer to your prayer.  Quit giving the situation all that attention and don't give it the power it doesn't have. There are certain things that will not change unless you change; outgrow that challenge.  Be careful who you go to and where you go to for h...